A portfolio of an extraordinary year

This post was triggered by a conversation I recently had. Somebody asked me: “Well it’s great you had a good time and you feel well now, but how are you going to explain a year long gap in your CV?”. I felt for a second I might be in trouble. But then, a new girl in me stood up against the looming fear: Continue reading

Difficult decisions

I intended to publish another post today, but this one has somehow jumped the queue. (There is actually no queue, but but it’s handy to recall how to write the word ‘queue’ — ridiculous spelling isn’t it?!) Does this look like I am avoiding to write about difficult decisions? Continue reading

Celebrating 40.338 km of freedom

Last week I celebrated one of the major achievements in my life. I survived a whole year without having a job or even trying to get one! And not that I just survived – I met the world, and myself, in a very new and truly invigorating way. I haven’t experienced this kind of freedom since I was five, a freedom to simply be myself and playfully roam for days and days through the space that I perceive as The World. But this was not a matter of luxury. Continue reading

DE-sign yourself

I know hardly anything about design except that I am a designer. I have made a few things in my life, and now I am trying to remake the very life of mine – of who I am and what I do. This personal re-creation project is to some extent inspired by the maker culture in its critical mode (if these terms are new to you and you wish to learn more, you can check this out and then hear this podcast). In other words, I am trying to DIY myself against the odds, and I hope that rambling about it may help me, and perhaps may inspire some of you out there.

By the way, ‘DE-sign’ in the title of this post is not a typo. Continue reading